Kami akan memberikan Aplikasi Terbaik untuk tracking/pencatat Biaya Bulanan Kendaraan anda di Android. Kendaraan Roda Dua, Roda Empat maupun Roda Delapan. Banyak layanan Pencatat atau Logging untuk Kendaraan di Android, minimal log untuk biaya Bahan Bakar.

Di Android, Google Play coba saja ketikkan “fuel log” nanti akan muncul beberapa aplikasi rekomendasi yang kurang lebih akan menampilkan hasil seperti ini

Fuel log tracker di android
Fuel log tracker di android

Lumayan banyak kan? Itu baru menampilkan beberapa, kalau di More akan lebih banyak lagi. Setelah mencoba beberapa saya jatuh cinta dengan UI dan UX dan juga Fitur dari Drivvo. Jadi kalau disuruh memberikan arahan. Bagi kalian pengguna Android. Drivvo adalah Fuel Log terbaik saat ini. Tak hanya Fuel Log saja, Drivvo lebih tepat disebut CAR MANAGEMENT sesuai namanya. Karena fitur2 yang diberikan lumayan komplit dan juga analisa termasuk chart dan stats yang memadai.

Berikut ini informasi resmi mengenai Drivvo ini.

Save Money: Manage the cost of fuel consumption and economy, car maintenance expenses and service costs of your car, motorcycle, bus or truck.

Fuel mileage calculator: Track average Km / liter, monthly expenses, averages per day, fuels, etc.. Using this application you’ll have a hands on financial control of your vehicle.


• Total odometer reading or trip mileage input
• Full fuel management (fuel costs, efficiency, fuel stations, etc..) with advanced options of refuel types (full, partial) for financial control
• Support for recording fill-ups, services, expenses and trips (business, personal, etc).
• Gas mileage (fuel economy or fuel mileage) calculation with multiple units support: MPG, gallon/100mi, mi/L, km/gallon, L/100km, km/L
• Fuel stations registering
• Many statistics / charts / reports for your financial control
• Gas consumption charts per gas / fuel stations
• Advanced reminders (like reminder on next car maintenance)
• Charts with filter by car and/or date range. Easy editing of data in the charts.
• Vehicle Maintenance records management with reminders
• Distance statistics: total distance, distance/year, distance/month, distance/day
• Cost statistics: cost per category (refuel, bill, services). Cost/distance, cost/year, cost/month, cost/day, consumption etc…
• Fuel efficiency statistics and management
• Gas efficiency statistics per gas / fuel stations
• Report with best/worst fuel efficiency. Easy to track conditions you were under were good or bad.
• Tracking maintenances, services, costs, expenses of your vehicle
• Fuel units: US Gallons, Imperial gallons and liters
• Many fuel efficiency units such as MPG and Km/L
• Track your fill ups and save cash

The Greatest app for keeping track of mileage, fuel and car maintenance

The app helps you save cash and time being your car financial control by keeping track of your gas mileage, fuel economy at the right fuel stations, car service costs, car service reminders, car expenses. If you want to save money with your monthly expenses, download Drivo now.

More organization:
Gas Stations

★ You can also restore data from other apps. ★
Example: aCar, Carango, Car Expenses, CTN Car, Fuelio, Fuel Log, Fuel Manager, My Cars

Gas Premium
★ Two fuel tanks

★ Pro version advantages: ★
• Backup data of your vehicle in the cloud
• Synchronize data between devices
• Keep all your data safe
• No advertising
• Export the data concerning their vehicles in CSV/Excel.
• Setting and share the graphics generated by Drivo.
• Receive future Pro features for free.
• Receive technical support within 24 hours.

Litre (L)
Gallon US (Gal)
Gallon Imperial (Gal)

Fuel Efficiency:
Km/Gallon US
Km/Gallon Imperial
Gallon US/100Km
Gallon Imperial/100Km
Mile/Gallon US
Mile/Gallon Imperial
Gallon US/100Mi
Gallon Imperial/100Mi

Kilometer (Km)
Mile (Mi)

Drivvo car management
Drivvo car management

Kami telah mencoba menggunakan Drivvo mulai awal 2017 kemarin, dan rutin input data di dua kendaraan sehari hari, Grand Livina dan Suzuki Skydrive. Dengan Drivvo ini saya jadi tahu berapa KM bisa saya jangkau setiap Liternya dari dua kendaraan saya tersebut.

Video Demo Drivvo

Drivvo juga memberikan Prediksi kapan saya akan mengisi ulang berdasarkan kebiasaan saya dengan kendaraan-kendaraan tersebut, hal menarik lainnya juga, Drivvo juga bisa dipakai tracking pengeluaran lain, misalnya Cuci Mobil, Service dan hal2 tak terduga lainnya.

Drivvo juga sudah mengusung Konsep UI dan UX material design nya Android. Sampai saat ini Drivvo baru tersedia di Android dan belum tersedia di AppStore iOS.

Drivvo mempunyai konsep bisnis In-App, dimana versi Premium pengguna akan mendapatkan fitur penuh, multi kendaraan dan juga tanpa iklan.

Drivvo juga sudah sync ke Server jadi data kalian tersimpan di Cloud.

Download Drivvo di Android sekarang


Kabar Gembira bagi kalian pengguna iOS (iPhone) Developer akhirnya merilis versi iPhone dari Drivvo ini, Download Drivvo for iPhone sekarang

  1. terimaksih atas informasinya Aplikasi Pencatat Biaya Bulanan Kendaraan Terbaik di Android sangat bermanfaat sekali, sangat membantu

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