Welcome to gmailwireless.com, we provide you free access to your gmail account using a wireless WAP and Pocket PC browsers. Please register for free below and login to your gmail account using your mobile device at wap.gmailwireless.com
Now introducing pocket.gmailwireless.com for accessing your GMail account using your PocketPC device.
That main intuducing page of GMailWireless.
And, now for you that have Mobiles Phone and have GPRS Connection, You can write and read you gmail account with this nice tuning form GMailWireless.com.
It’s easy to setup. Just go to http://www.gmailwireless.com and add you Gmail account then check you Gmail account for confirmation.
When you confirmation was complete. You can login in you gmail account with you mobiles phone with WAP. Just point your WAP address to http://wap.gmailwireless.com.