Yes, I was successfully update my Blog Engine (of course WordPress always ;;) ) to the Latest version 2.0.5 (Ronan), why update?
Like they say here
It’s new release time. The latest in our venerable 2.0 series, which now counts over 1.2 million downloads, is available for download immediately, and we suggest everyone upgrade as this includes security fixes. We’re breaking the tradition of naming releases after jazz musicians to congratulate Ryan Boren on his new son (and first WP baby) Ronan.What’s new? We have about 50 or so bugfixes, which you can review on our dev tracker here, mostly minor bug fixes around feeds, custom fields, and internationalization. If you’d like a nitty-gritty view, check out Mark’s blog post on the changes.Like every release this was the result of a lot of people in the WordPress community, and I’d like to thank all our contributors and testers including Mustlive, Peter Westwood, and Robert Deaton. This is also the first release handled by our new 2.0 maintainer, Mark Jaquith. He joins myself and Ryan with commit access and is “committed†to keeping the 2.0 base stable as we head into the exciting new 2.1 world. Congrats to Mark
Thank you to all WordPress Developers for make this great tool.Have you update your Engine :-/
#13 andriansah
Itu saya make Plugins Sociable mas.. cari aja di ;)
Udah Update dong
Btw, gimana cara nampilin tombol2 di share and enjoy?
Saya cari2 gak ketemu nih :|
sip sukses yah…
Tes Tes Jangan Kates hehehe wah aku ko ga urus yo update pa gak emang dasar malesss
Udah apdet duluan :d
#3 Aryo Sanjaya
Bener.. saks mantebe ;)
#6 Kus
Kapan kapan cak yo ;)
#8 windede
Kalau beda, bagi orang awam kayak kita ndak begitu keliahatan… kecuali kita baca RELEASE NOTESnya nanti baru tau bedanya disana dan disini ;)
udah apdet n blum ngeh betul apa bedanya dgn yg sebelumnya :-?
Hemm.. Belum update sih, tapi nanti-nanti aja deh!
*mikir.. :-w *
TxP saja !
Selamat wae wis
WordPress Saks, fote MovableType!!
*kabur lewat jendela*
Loh, baru update toh? :d :d
Belum sempat.
udah (update) … tinggal sekali Klik (hosting cpanel fantastico).. dan wallaaaaa… semuwanyahhh beres… done..!