This chapter I’ll show you how to change default/standar your USB DISK icon with you own design Icon or some icons from another world ;) and what we need it in this chapter?

The Software
– Notepad or vim or other text editor for edit autorun.inf
Adobe Photoshop or other icon designer.
– If you using photoshop you will need this plugins, this Adobe Photoshop plugins will export you image to .ICO ready.

Let get started

  • One:
    Open your notepad/vim/etc and write down this simple code

    [AUTORUN] ICON=youiconname.ico

    Then save you work to you USB DISK and give name of that file autorun.inf

  • Two: [skip this if you have own icon]
    • Open you Adobe Photoshop and make some New File with this size 128 x 128px, 72 x 72px, 48 x 48px, 32x 32px or just 16x16px.
      Make Icon With Photoshop
    • Make nicely design icon like this :D
      My USB Icon
    • Save As to your USB DISK on root directory and give name of you icon, Before you save select extension .ICO (Windows Icon)
  • Three:
    If you have icon ready just copy you icon to your USB DISK folder, and don’t forget to make you icon name same as in the autorun config icon name.

Unplug you usb disk then plug in again, and this my Result

USB Icon

Hola…. You was successfully change you default icon.

  1. Waduh kok gw coba kagak bisa ya? Malahan icon gw jadi rusak ntuh, gambar default usb pon gak kliatan lagi. :(

  2. kalo file yang mau di autoran tipenya .exe gimana?????
    misalnya kita punya file opening bertipe .exe mau di buat autoran saat flash disk konek.ada yang tau gak caranya. thank’s be4……….

  3. #11
    Cara apanya? khan udah jelas? trus maksudnya Kotak doang :-/
    Coba aja Mas andri cari file *.ico dulu trus di autorun.inf larikan ke file *.ico itu. tapi ingat file itu harus di taruh di USB Disk juga

  4. Hey that was cool! … i want to ask that is there any way to make an
    “autorun” file for the usb ?? :-?

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