Today I was upgraded to WordPress 2.1 “Ella” and in the some times I decide to re-design my blog, and I call this not-yet completed themes “Thin-Line” why I choose this name, may be some day I will explain :)

Thanks for WordPrees Developer that give nicely engine. For a while I still play arround in this theme and fix it, when this one completed I hope I can publicize it.

Also I change my Blog Title, from 2.0 to 2.1 ;)


I used plugin Yahoo/MSN Style Smileys and this plugins make my admin error, everytime I try to update my post or approve comment make error 404. So I disable for a while, waiting until new version released.

  1. #11. diditjogja
    Karena masih katanya itu saya BUKTIKAN sendiri ;)

    #12. -tikabanget-
    Bisa, pindah aja ke WP ;) Install dan custom sendiri :)
    Importernya WP katanya di versi WP 2.1 ini PERFECT

    #14. Kombor
    Just Enjoy aja :)

  2. waduh!! katanya seehhh, ni WP banyak bug nya loooh! banyak anak2 *seh anak2?!* yang komplain ma ver 2.1, tapi ya semoga puas….

    eh thx dah mampir, salam kenal….

  3. i haven’t had the time to upgrade my site yet… probably i’m going to wait for few weeks in case there are some bugs in the recent version of wp. :D

  4. #2. Abhijit Nadgouda
    Yes, and I think is Yahoo/MSN Smiley Plugins, so I disable for a while

    #4. Prasojo
    I’ll make it Possible running on blogger, just waiting….

    #5. rifie
    So do I, but not big trouble, so I decided to Disable the plugin.

    #6. Luigi
    Happy weekend too ;)

  5. I upgraded it yesterday, and i just not ready yet.. It’s kinda messy… i have double post at my front page, the javascript plugin for show and hide post isn’t working,, so i postpone the 2.1 and back to 2.0.6 again…

  6. Hi,
    This theme looks nice and clean. Is there any way to use this theme with blogspot? I’ve tried to customized my blog, but I’m still not satisfied with it’s recent presentation. Thanks.

  7. gmail emang bisa juga buat file storage, cuman kurang sreg, ada yg lebih bagus timbang gmail, alamatnya di
    selain email, disana jg bisa buat penyimpanan file. (sorry, commentnya gak relevan ama isi postingannya) :P

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