Software Update_Jauhari001.png

Pagi ini saya check di Software Update di Mesin Mac OS X Leopard saya, ternyata Apple sudah merelease si versi 10.5.2 yang diharapkan banyak Mac User akan memperbaiki kekurangan di versi sebelumnya, seperti yang saya baca baca di blog sebelah, bahwa versi ini akan memberbaiki stack yang sangat suck, Dan Semoga Memory Leak yang juga SUCK! :D dan masih banyak lagi.

Tidak seperti update versi 10.5.1 yang hanya berukuran 30MB (versi download via Software Update) atau Download Manual sekitar 100MBan untuk 10.5.2 ini besar file yang harus di Download 341MB untuk versi Software Update), saya masih kurang tau untuk versi yang Download Manual :D dan kalau menyimak dari besarnya ukuran, sepertinya Apple memperbaiki banyak aplikasinya disini
Segera Update dan nikmati kenyamanannya ;)

Detail Apa aja yang di Update

Active Directory

Addresses issues which could hinder or prevent binding Mac OS X 10.5.x clients to Active Directory domains.


Improves connection reliability and stability
Includes 802.1X improvements.
Resolves certain kernel panics.

Back to my Mac

Adds support for more third-party routers, as detailed in this article.


Improves performance of certain Apple Dashboard widgets (such as Dictionary).
Addresses an issue in which Dashboard widgets may no longer be accessible after switching to or from an account that has Parental Controls enabled.


Updates Stacks with a List view option, a Folder view option, and an updated background for Grid view.


Addresses legibility issues with the menu bar with an option to turn off transparency in Desktop & Screen Saver preferences.
Adjusts menus to be slightly-less translucent overall.


Improves iCal so that it accurately reflects responses to recurring meetings.
Addresses an issue in which a meeting may remain on the calendar after being cancelled.
Addresses stability issues related to .Mac syncing of iCal calendars.
Resolves an intermittent issue in which editing an event with attendees would cause the event to shrink and not register that the event was updated.


Addresses an issue with simultaneously-logged in accounts in which iChat sounds generated from one account might be heard in another account.
Fixes an issue in which iChat idle time is affected by Time Machine backups.
Improves connectivity when running iChat behind a router that doesn’t preserve ports.
Enables logged chats from previous versions of iChat to open faster and more reliably.
Addresses an issue with text chats in which users may be unable to receive messages from the sender.
Addresses an issue that may prevent rejoining an AIM chat room without reopening iChat.
Addresses video chat compatibility issues with AIM 6 and third-party routers.
Fixes an issue with case-sensitivity of AIM handles.


Adds support for Samsung D600E and D900i phones.


Addresses an issue in which Finder could unexpectedly quit when displaying folder contents in Column view.
Addresses an issue in which Finder could unexpectedly quit when accessing Users and Groups in a Get Info pane.
Resolves an issue that prevented setting permissions on a folder alias.
Resolves an issue in which the Eject command could write to a disc in the optical drive.
Fixes an issue in which the scroll bar might disappear when deleting a file within a folder that includes files that are out of view.
Fixes an issue in the Sharing & Permissions section of Get Info windows, in which the gear icon appears to be gray/disabled after authentication.
Addresses an issue in which the Show Icon Preview preference might not be not saved when turning it off.
Fixes an issue that could occur when trying to print an image from the Finder.

Time Machine

Adds a menu bar option for accessing Time Machine features (the menu extra can be enabled in Time Machine preferences).
Improves backup reliability when computer name contains slash or non-ASCII characters.
Fixes an issue in which the backup disk displayed in the Finder may be out of sync with the disk chosen for Time Machine.
Addresses issues in which some external drives are not recognized by Time Machine.
The status menu now appears by default.


Improves general stability when running third-party applications.
Addresses an issue in which the incorrect search results may be displayed for certain Automator Find/Filter actions.
Addresses an issue with the Latvian and Russian keyboard layouts.
Addresses an issue in which the backlight could turn off before Energy Saver’s backlight setting.

Dan masih banyak lagi, Baca aja disini

  1. Ulasan bermanfaat tentang kasur busa super ini
    luar biasa bagus. Keren banget dan bermanfaat.
    Tiap orang yang pakai maupun sedang cari kasur busa seperti ini di Indonesia
    harus baca tulisan ini. Mampir juga situs ane yabro, ada ulasan menarik yang bisa jadi berguna bagi para
    pengguna kasur busa. Regards.

  2. Kalo pake Mac OS harus download driver lagi buat mainboard/ vga ama sound card.. ;mbok (thinking) (doh) (sleeping)

  3. Ping-balik: bahe
  4. mumut mumet mumet udah kelanjur beli macbook air tapi ngak tau operating systymnyaa
    al hasil gw congkel mak jadi windoows eeeeeeeeeeeeeee malah orakaru2 annn

  5. mas, gue tanya ada ga sofware sistem operasi macOS yang gratisan, CZ gue nyari kesana-kemari ga dapet2, gue pengen banget jadi USER mac tapi kalo mesti beli barang yang harganya lumayan mahal buat kantong aku mas. jadi sedih juga nih, tolong dong

  6. hey buddy,

    I can’t read yer langowige but the words:
    “OSX leopard 10.5.2 download” show up when I websearch.

    do this mean you have free downloads of MAC OSX Leopardo 10.5.2??

    if yes, then where do I get the ISO from?


    cuervo (crow)

  7. waduh… sistem operasi pa cuman visual style…..?

    kalo sistem operasinya gmna…..

    susah ga buat menyatukan dengan software2 yg biasa di pasang di windows…?

    please reply….

  8. mas, gue tanya ada ga sofware sistem operasi macOS, CZ gue nyari kesana-kemari ga dapet2, adanya cuma update, gue pengen banget jadi USER mac tapi tanpa beli barangnya yang berjuta-juta harganya, tolong dong… :)

  9. :o Wah gua gua tambah bingung deh, mo mulai dari mana ya,
    aqu (newbi) qn kepingin banget tuh leopartnya, tpi ga tau kepriye carane
    aqu musti pertama kali sowan ke siapa ya ….
    tambah bingung …………

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